About Us
Our Healing Hands

There is nothing more amazing, then seeing someone get better, stronger, and enjoy life more, because of your own two hands.
We carry so much stress around on a daily basis, and because this is the way we live, it becomes “normal” to us, what we are used to. We just keep moving through life consistently carrying all the worry and responsibility, never putting it down, and that manifests itself into physical stresses on our body. That stress turns into problems with digestion, sleep, tension, headaches, etc. This was me 10 years ago. Working my way up the corporate ladder and juggling a family, was too much, and it made me so physically sick, that I had to take a leave of absence from my job. After many doctors and appointments, the consensuses was STRESS, and that I had to get rid of it as quickly as possible if I didn’t want to work myself into an early grave!
Now, it’s not easy to become “unstressed”, especially if that has been your normal for what feels like your entire life. It took a lot of reading (How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie was one of the most helpful), studying and support to find this new path I needed to be on, but one of the most pivotal components to my journey into a stress-free life was my masseuse. Every week it was what i looked forward to the most. She would come in to my home, and with candles, music, scents, would turn one of our rooms into my own peaceful sanctuary, almost completely separated from the entire world. It was here where I would feel my stress start melting away. My body would relax, and I would feel my health start coming back, and along with my health, my happiness and patience.
It was because of this experience, that over 10 years, I made the decision to become a massage therapist myself. There is nothing like seeing the difference in my clients lives as I help them reduce the stress in their lives. To be able to bring people better help and happiness is unlike any other experience. Its because of this joy that keeps us always coming up with ways to improve the service and our clients overall experience.
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What People Says About Us
– Mario Royal
Not only do I believe in massage as the homeopathic remedy, but there are many others that can help along side massage. You can find over 350 homeopathic remedies and products and sort them by symptoms and affliction with this awesome software we came across. You can find it here: http://www.homeopathy-software.net
Also, to other massage therapists, if you haven’t already, make sure to check out Massage Jobs – 100s Massage Therapy Jobs in your area.
We hope that in the near future, we are able to help you experience what massage can do for you, your health, and your happiness.